You and 2,142 of your closest friends

Did you know I think of you each week when I write these emails? I try to think of you so that what I write is the most useful and most personal it can be.
Because of that, you might get the idea you’re the only one here. You’re not. It’s you and 2,142 of your closest friends.
When you’re working away in your town, it’s easy to feel like you’re alone. Like you’re the only one who faces opposition, like everyone else has an easier town than you do.
The truth is that your town is not the only one that is messed up, or has CAVE People, or can’t get it’s act together. To some extent, all 2,142 of us face this. We’re all in this together; we’re just in separate towns.
To give you a chance to say hello to each other, I want to invite you personally to the Brag Basket. It’s something I do to share good news every week at Small Biz Survival. I’m opening it a day early so you can go right now and say hello.
That’s what I want you to do: go to the Brag Basket, and leave a comment with your name, your small town connection, and something that makes you smile about your town. (Anything!)
There’s no complicated login. You only have to put in your name and email address. And tell us what makes you smile about your town.
I’ll give you 5 bonus points if you go right now and leave a comment.
I’ll give you 10 bonus points if you also reply to someone else’s comment to cheer them on.
(You can’t trade bonus points in for anything, but you can treasure them, nonetheless.)
Keep shaping the future of your town,