A small metal water tank has been converted to a planter and painted with bright flowers

“VigiPlantes” – Steal this idea immediately!

In our 10 Years of Rural Insights webinar last week, Jaime Shanks said in the chat:

 We recently formed a group after ReImagine Rural sessions – very loose group that is more about action vs. meetings. We call ourselves the “Vigiplantes” (based on vigilantes but we are planting new ideas, beautification, actual trees and plants). We may do stuff at 2am to surprise people the next morning. We’re making beautification fun and visible!

Jaime is from Glendive, Montana, population just under 5,000, but this idea would work in a town of 500. The Reimagine Rural sessions Jaime mentioned were put on by MSU Extension, and Deb and I have participated several times. Lots of great action has come out of those sessions!

This was clearly the most popular how-to idea from the event! And it is absolutely Idea Friendly in the real world.

You can steal this idea for any group, not just beautification. Take the good parts: informal, action vs. meetings, starting new ideas, making it fun and visible.

And if you want more great ideas, go watch the replay of our 10 Years of Rural Insights webinar here. You get the video, an audio version, and more downloadable resources.

Keep shaping the future of your town,