A small metal water tank has been converted to a planter and painted with bright flowers

“VigiPlantes” – Steal this idea immediately!

In our 10 Years of Rural Insights webinar last week, Jaime Shanks said in the chat:  We recently formed a group after ReImagine Rural sessions – very loose group that is more about action vs. meetings. We call ourselves the “Vigiplantes” (based on vigilantes but we are planting new ideas, beautification, actual trees and plants)….

Plain wooden picnic tables have been painted in child-like pastel designs

First 10 steps in Idea Friendly: change your town

Sometimes officials ask, “What should we do first?” or “What are the 10 things we should do?”  It’s not just officials, either. All kinds of people and groups want to know, ‘what should we do first?’ You can find 10 things you can choose from, or do them all, right here. We’ve also provided links…

Geoffrey Canada with Maryland Governor Wes Moore seated on a stage with state, province and territorial flags in the background.

Hope is as infectious as despair

That headline–hope is as infectious as despair–came from Geoffrey Canada, of the Harlem Children’s Zone, speaking at the recent Council of State Governments East Annual Conference. You know I’m always taking notes, looking for ideas we can adapt from big cities and small towns to our own communities. I liked that statement about hope so…

A group of pre-school age children wearing hardhats and holding shovels turn the first shovelfuls of dirt at a ceremony to celebrate the start of construction on a new Head Start Center on the Spirit Lake Reservation in North Dakota. Colorful balloons and ribbons surround the children.

Celebrate each step of the project, even the boring ones

I have so many stories from the amazing communities in Washington and Idaho that I toured and supported last month. People are doing heroic work to make their communities better. A new recreation area and ballfield is in process in Deary, Idaho. The next step is to install a culvert across part of it. Inspired…

A diverse group of people line the street in a small town, watching a marching band in a parade.

You can’t order people to collaborate

And you can’t plan your way there, either. I ran into another one of those outdated “how to fix your rural community” prescriptions. I think you know the type I mean, written to address the “official leaders.” It started with shared vision, then planning (lots of planning), recruiting additional participants, assigning parts of the plan…

A light skinned woman and a medium skinned man with a gray beard stop for selfie in front of a brick sign that says Harvard Kennedy School

Our natural rural collaboration vs. our giant silos

A couple of times last year I had the chance to hear Dell Gines talk about collaboration. Both times, he used the phrase “build robust networks for targeted purposes.” That resonated for me as Deb Brown and I often tell you stories about Building Connections and turning your crowd into a powerful network as part…

A pile of snapshots showing diverse volunteers at work in their communities

Get more volunteer help with small steps

What’s the best way to get volunteers to take lots of required training or complete an intensive commitment? Help them take small steps. Take a large volunteering goal: Break it into easier subgoals: And make it flexible for them: It’s the same goal! But wording it differently made a big difference in how volunteers reacted…

A vintage sign on a downtown building says, "Telephone. Telegrams may be telephoned."

Who’s in your message group? An Idea Friendly way to stay motivated

Two people at the Oklahoma Arts Council conference mentioned their support message groups. This is such a simple idea I wanted to share it with you.  Alena Jennings said people call her The Doodle Lady because she runs The Doodle Academy, an art experience education business in downtown Ponca City. Alena has connected with several…

Hands holding a smartphone as a camera in the foreground. In the background string lights are shown in pleasing unfocused bokeh.

10 small steps toward a better community that don’t require permission

You’d like to do more for your small town or rural community, but you’re held back by at least a couple of things: You don’t actually need either of those. Small steps can be meaningful and usually don’t require permission. That’s why Deb and I say: 99% of the best things you can do for…