Mobile Toy Library – the most steal-able idea I heard at Main Street Now?
This is one of those ideas that could work for any town, of any size, anywhere on earth. When I heard about it, I knew you’d want to hear about it, too.
It’s the Mobile Toy Library: a rolling cart filled with outdoor toys that gets put out at public places like parks.
That’s really all you need, isn’t it? It’s enough for you to take the idea and run with it in your own way.
The toy library I heard about used an old shopping cart, but you could use a wagon, pull cart or wheelbarrow. Maybe add a big tub to store the toys. Just anything that will hold toys and rolls.
They put a sign on it that said Mobile Toy Library. They filled it with outdoor toys and games. You can imagine the kinds of things:
- bubble-blowing toys and solution
- kickballs
- hula hoops (I heard these were surprisingly popular)
- frisbees
- sidewalk chalk
- bean bag toss
You could find cheap toys second hand or even ask around and get some donated. Then you roll it out at the park, or a public plaza or anywhere you want people to have fun. You could bring it out on a regular schedule or just whenever you’re able.
When toys get damaged or go missing, just scrounge up some more and keep smiling.
I love everything about this, but you can see how Idea Friendly it is. It’s simple, you don’t need anyone’s permission, and you’re building community.
Keep shaping the future of your town,
PS – Have you printed out your copy of the Small Town Creed and posted it? I’d love to see a photo! Hit reply and tell me how you’re using it in your town.