Old fashioned 1950s style walk up ice cream place with picnic tables out front and a diverse group of women customers. An older woman enjoys an ice cream cone covered in cherry red dip. Two younger women are waiting for their order. Another woman is seated to one side.

“I’m just a random person with no local position or clout”

As a random person with no office or title, you’re in the best position to make good things happen. You don’t have to follow complicated rules of office. You’re not limited by the scope of your title. You don’t have to worry about naysayers crowding your public meetings.

You’re you, and you get to decide what you would love to work on most.

You don’t have to convince anyone of anything. All you have to do is start. Then make it easy for other people to join in. You’ll attract the people who most want to do good things, and those are great people to work with.

That’s the Idea Friendly Way.

Gather Your Crowd – work with the excited people, let the negative people do their own things.

Build Connections – find the things you need to use and to know by asking around, no need to budget.

Take Small Steps – try a tiny first step, bonus points if it’s something fun.

Keep shaping a better future for your town,


PS – Ready to make your town more Idea Friendly? Two ways we can help: 

We can work alongside you – our Idea Friendly Intensive Action Package brings us to your town in person twice and we give you coaching in between.

You can learn to do it yourself – the Idea Friendly Toolkit with short action-packed video/audio tutorials, a simple to follow guide and a year of unlimited streaming of videos and audios to answer all your other questions.