Exactly what our communities need right now

I just spent 30 minutes re-listening to the audio version of our Building a Unified Community. This is still exactly what we need right now. 

You build a stronger community through experiences that bring people together from across different groups to each play a meaningful role.

Deb and I wrote and recorded that in 2021. I’ve done a lot of listening, reading and researching since then, and it still holds up. 

Bring people together from across different groups.

Give everyone a small but meaningful role.

Create experiences that change people’s thinking.

You can take any project or event and use it to bring your community together by nudging one or more of those factors. 

Engage different groups you don’t normally reach. 

Break big tasks down for more meaningful roles. 

Remind people to reflect on what they just experienced. 

Yes, invite everyone to paint one block of the mural, and give them a pinback button that says “I painted our community.” 

Yes, engage the whole community in the cleanup day, and give everyone who participates a yard or window sign that says “Proud of my community.” 

Take a moment to think about your next community project. What’s one thing you can do to make it even more meaningful to building a stronger community feeling? 

Comment and let me know. And if you you need some ideas, Deb and I will be glad to help come up with some.

Keep shaping the future of your town,


PS – You can get the 30 minute video Building a Unified Community here and it includes an audio version so you can listen on the go like a podcast.