How to get more volunteers in your small town

Volunteers and nonprofits: I’m not sure a small town could even exist without them. A couple of you recently brought up the role of volunteering and nonprofits, and that got me thinking about the common problem, “we can’t find any volunteers!” See, small businesses play a role in supporting nonprofit organizations, and nonprofits are important…

Placemaking is more development of local talent than attraction of talent from afar

Last week, I mentioned Placemaking briefly. Let’s talk about it a bit more. Placemaking is all about the planning, design and management of the public spaces and assets in your town. When done right, placemaking involves asking the people who actually live and work there, who use the public spaces, what they need, and then…

What can you do about “those people” in your small town?

Do you know what the most commonly asked question is at any of my talks? It’s always about dealing with the negative people, the people who say you can’t, the roadblocks. Jack Schultz calls them the CAVE people: the Citizens Against Virtually Everything.  I find that encouraging and discouraging all in one. It’s encouraging because…

Tourism IS economic development in small towns

I bring up tourism and economic development together for good reason. Tourism is a terrific strategy for small towns to stay alive, but people who are working on tourism in small towns tend to get looked down on by the traditional economic developers.  “Tourism doesn’t count as economic development. We go after traded businesses,” the…

Why starting a small business gives your small town more resources

There’s one more reason I want you to start your own successful small business. It’s the only way I can help your town.  The assets in your small town are different from the assets in mine. The big problem in your town is different than in mine. It doesn’t matter if we’re a thousand miles…