Those ugly signs that make you grit your teeth: hand scrawled, spray painted… 

In a couple of towns I’ve visited, locals complained to me about businesses that were using ugly hand scrawled promotional signs. Not attractive hand crafted carefully lettered signs, but the kind of temporary un-artistic and frankly ugly signs we sometimes use “just for now” in our business. Except “just for now” becomes “oh yeah, I…

You can’t positive attitude your way out of problems

Radio host Michael Libbie sat down for a lunch broadcast with my colleague Deb Brown. Every time he brought up a rural challenge, Deb would bring it back around to the positive, to some action we can take.  “You can’t positive attitude your way out of it,” Michael finally said.  Well you sure aren’t going…

Be part of downtown events even if your business isn’t downtown

When you hold events downtown, the businesses that aren’t located downtown sometimes feel left out. There’s one bank in Colfax, Washington, that figured out a great way to participate.  Remember I was telling you that the First Thursdays in Colfax are great at mixing the different crowds of people?  One of the local banks wanted…

That special moment when different crowds overlap

Part of building an idea Friendly town is making it possible for different kinds of people to connect. When you create the events that get different groups to mix, you’re making your community stronger.  Colfax, Washington, has First Thursdays. Stores stay open later with sidewalk sales, booths pop-up on the streets and sidewalks, vendors sell…

Why student entrepreneurs are working in a downtown storefront in the mortuary building 

School entrepreneurship classes that don’t involve real businesses aren’t really entrepreneurship, are they? I loved the real-world projects Natalie Clark told me about in Stafford, Kansas, pop 1,200.  Their entrepreneurship classes are held at the SEED Center in a storefront downtown. Actually, it’s in an unused space in the front of the mortuary, a great…

Why do people say there’s nothing to do here and then they don’t come to our events?

Let’s look at the tale of two small town concerts.  One happened at an agritourism business. They brought in a couple of professional musicians for performances out at the farm. The musicians were reasonably well known, with some previous exposure on TV shows you’ve heard of. But turnout wasn’t that great, and a friend of…

Stop telling people it’s hard to go into business  ⛔⛔⛔

Remember last week, we talked about how you don’t need to get all your ducks in a row to start a business? That started because someone told my nephew it’s hard to go into business.  Stop telling people it’s hard to go into business. It’s never been easier to start a business. You have access…

You don’t need to get all your ducks in a row to get started

My nephew and I were talking about starting your own business. He said it’s hard to start a business. He thinks this because his adviser in college told him that it’s hard to go into business, much harder than “it used to be” when she was younger.  I disagree. It’s only hard to go into…