Fluid design mural says Laundromat

The Idea Friendly Method works for any idea, including starting a laundromat on a budget

Emily Karsjens Perry asked, “Has anyone seen an example of an Idea Friendly laundromat? My brain is mulling over how to start one very small, possibly in combination with other 24 hour machines.” An Idea Friendly approach to Emily’s laundry ideas would be to: Here’s what Building Connections could look like: Here are some extra…

Old fashioned 1950s style walk up ice cream place with picnic tables out front and a diverse group of women customers. An older woman enjoys an ice cream cone covered in cherry red dip. Two younger women are waiting for their order. Another woman is seated to one side.

“I’m just a random person with no local position or clout”

As a random person with no office or title, you’re in the best position to make good things happen. You don’t have to follow complicated rules of office. You’re not limited by the scope of your title. You don’t have to worry about naysayers crowding your public meetings. You’re you, and you get to decide…

Colorful modern mural of wildflowers, a pollinator insect in front of a huge sun setting in the background.

If you’re tired of “Nothing good happens here!” complaints, make a success list

It’s pretty common to hear rural people say something like, “There’s nothing here!” That’s because they aren’t remembering all the new business activity or they maybe aren’t paying attention. Or maybe they’re only thinking of big new employers, the kind that come with visiting dignitaries for the ribbon cutting and announcement. Most small towns don’t…

Chart showing answers to “Do you think your community will be better off in 10 years?” More than twice as many people gave a positive response (119) than were negative (50) about their communities’ future. Almost as many were positive (119) as were neutral (136).

Survey Results: Rural people are optimistic about their towns’ future

This is my favorite finding from our latest Survey of Rural Challenges: rural people are optimistic about the future of their community. In fact, they were twice as likely to say they were optimistic than negative about their community’s future! Over 300 rural people answered the question, Do you think your community will be better…

Basket of small tomatoes with a handwritten note: take some fresh picked tomatoes

How Marieta, Sue and Julie are feeding their communities

Your friends and fellow newsletter readers Sue, Julie and Marieta shared how they’re getting more food to the people having the hardest time affording it right now. We told you about Julie Kent, the librarian from Erie, Kansas. In 2020 the library shared seeds and plants and support. Here’s her latest update: We continue to…

A movie marquee sign says "Zero to Hero." Text overlay on the image says "The Tour of Empty Buildings"

How they filled 10 empty buildings and saved the movie theater

When Deb first told me about The Tour of Empty Buildings, I thought it was brilliant. Here’s how it started. In her first week on the job as Chamber Director, she got asked:“What are YOU going to do to fill those empty buildings?” And she said:“WE are going to hold a tour and show them off.”…

Becky McCray and Deb Brown look happy in downtown Mitchell, South Dakota

Who are we really? Becky McCray and Deb Brown, co-founders of SaveYour.Town

I’m Becky McCray from Oklahoma. I co-founded SaveYour.Town with Deb Brown. Deb used to live in Iowa, but just moved to Mississippi. That meant I had to update our SaveYour.Town “about us” page. Now seems like a good time to share more about who we are, really. We are part of our communities, just like…

A watch party group discussing what they've just learned.

Learning together is trending, here’s how

Deb Brown just told me that “cohort based learning” is trending according to Trends.co. They said learning in a group leads to 80-90% higher completion rates than learning alone. I’ve seen similar numbers before.  So if you want people in your town to learn more about the Idea Friendly Method or any topic at all, start a…