What rural people say they need: Survey Results

We all know what rural towns need, right? They need jobs, and to recruit some manufacturing, and they have a huge poverty problem. Right? Well, no. At least that’s not what rural people told me. Earlier this year, I ran a survey of subscribers and visitors to SmallBizSurvival.com. Over 200 people who identified themselves as…

You don’t trust the examples you hear. Here’s why.

Because you care about the future of your town, I’m sure you read and hear a lot of examples and stories. And despite being interested in what other towns can do, you’re skeptical. Rightly so. You know what your town and your people can do right now. But there’s a trick.  Those big stories and…

I love everything about business fairs, except where they are held

I’m a fan of business fairs. These are the kind of event where different businesses come together in one place and set up booths or displays. Good fairs bring together business people with new customers and with each other. It’s good for everyone.  In my area, we often see craft fairs where people who make all…

The best comeback to “We tried that once.”

“We tried that once.” It’s like the ultimate small town insult to your big ideas.  My friend Deb Brown has the best comeback. She always answers with, “Great! What did you learn?”  “We already tried that” often comes off as a personal attack. “You’re too stupid to realize we already tried that.”  The reality is…

Small Town People Don’t Brag, Do We?

In a small town, you aren’t supposed to brag about yourself, whether personally, at work or in business. One of the unofficial small town rules. Take you for example. You’re probably uncomfortable talking about your accomplishments. When you have a project or business to get out the word about, you try to walk the fine line of…