Another great comeback to “We tried that once!”

Whenever you present a new idea, there’s always someone waiting to say it: “We tried that once!”  There are a million variations of how they can say it, and just as many good ways to respond. Here’s my new favorite of the moment: “We obviously survived!” That would be the less polite version of what…

What’s the real goal? What’s our “why”?

You’ve heard that before: Start with why. Knowing the real goal can help you decide what’s really important.  What’s the real goal of an arts festival? Why do you even have a car show? What is the goal of the city council? What ever the project, who ever the driver, there’s really one essential underlying…

Agree or Disagree: All ideas are good ideas

After our talk at the RuralX Conference, the second question Mike Knutson asked everyone was what had challenged them or made them feel uncomfortable. One person said, “All ideas are good ideas.”  That is definitely one of the things we said. We even had people practice saying, “That’s a great idea!” even when they didn’t…

Can a town mired in conflict ever recover? Does the fighting ever stop?

Some towns seem to be endlessly positive. It’s always sunny in Castle Rock.  Other towns are a mess. People are fighting. Every issue erupts into conflict. Meetings are just short of knock down, drag out fights.  Sometimes the positive towns get sucked down into the pit. They turn negative, maybe because of one single controversy…

Required to do strategic planning? Here’s how to translate Idea Friendly into that language

Do you have to do strategic planning? I used to do a lot of it, so I know some good words to use.  Since you’re doing strategic planning, I know that you’re serving in an official role. So your new official role in the Idea Friendly way is the Venture Capitalist of New Ideas. You…

What the people who won’t move to town will tell you

Sometimes, it only takes one “I’m not moving there!” story to give your town an inferiority complex for years and years.  A rural town of about 11,000 people near me was recruiting for a high school football coach. That’s important stuff in Oklahoma! The leading candidate visited the town with his wife. She took one…